Think your website could use some extra superpowers?

The WP Squared Plugins Tab is like your personal gadget store, packed with tools to boost your website's functionality!

What's included in the box?

This tab showcases all the pre-installed plugins ready to be activated and unleashed.

Think contact forms, social media integration, and more!

Just toggle the "Active" switch on any plugin to bring it to life.

Want even more superpowers? No problem! Click the "Install New Plugin" button and search for anything your website desires.

From SEO boosters to security shields, the possibilities are endless!

Once you find your perfect plugin, click "Install" and watch it join your collection.

Remember, with great power comes... responsibility!

Use those plugins wisely.

Before deleting any (think throwing away a cool gadget!), double-check if your website uses it.

Otherwise, you might end up with some error messages instead of superhero feats!

Tip: Need help choosing the right plugin?

Our documentation is your superhero guide! Explore it to find the perfect tools for your website's specific needs.

Remember, the Plugins Tab is your portal to endless website possibilities. Use it to customize, enhance, and make your website a true champion! Let the power-up begin!

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