Learn how to create new files or folders using cPanel File Manager for your website. Follow simple steps or command-line instructions to create files or folders efficiently. Enhance your website's structure and organization with ease.

Ever felt overwhelmed by a messy digital workspace? Just like a well-organized office keeps you productive, a tidy website requires proper file management. This guide will equip you, the website owner, with the know-how to create files and folders within cPanel's File Manager, empowering you to organize your website's content like a pro!


Understanding Files and Folders in Linux:

In the Linux system, files are used to store data, while folders (directories) are used to organize files into a hierarchical structure.

  • Files: Imagine digital containers storing specific information like text, images, or code. Your website's various elements (HTML pages, images, scripts) all reside as individual files.
  • Folders: Think of folders as digital filing cabinets. They group related files for better organization and easier access. For instance, you might create a folder named "images" to store all your website's graphics.


Why Create New Files or Folders:

  • Organizational Structure: Creating folders helps organize files into logical categories, making it easier to manage and navigate website content.
  • Content Management: New files can store valuable data, such as HTML pages, images, scripts, or configuration files, contributing to website functionality and design.
  • Customization: Tailoring file and folder structure to specific requirements allows website owners to customize their website's layout and organization according to their preferences.


How To Create A New File or Folder Using cPanel File Manager

  1. Access cPanel File Manager:

    • Log in to your cPanel hosting panel.
    • Navigate to the "Files" section and click on the "File Manager" icon.
  2. Create a New File:

    • Click on the "+ File" button in the toolbar.
    • Enter the desired name for the new file in the "New File Name" text box.
    • Specify the location where the file will be created in the "New file will be created in" text box.
    • Click "Create New File" to complete the process.
  3. Create a New Folder:

    • Click on the "+ Folder" button in the toolbar.
    • Enter the desired name for the new folder in the "New Folder Name" text box.
    • Specify the location where the folder will be created in the "New folder will be created in" text box.
    • Click "Create New Folder" to finalize the creation.


Command-Line Method:

Even website ninjas like yourself might not wield the command line every day. But for those times when you need ultimate control over your website's files and folders, the command line in your WebHostingM cPanel becomes your trusty sidekick. This guide will equip you – beginner, intermediate, or advanced – with the power to create new files and folders directly through commands.


Why Use the Command Line?

The WebHostingM cPanel file manager provides a user-friendly interface for most file management tasks. But the command line offers some distinct advantages:

  • Efficiency: Batch operations like creating multiple files become a breeze with a single command.
  • Automation: Scripting allows you to automate repetitive tasks, saving you precious time.
  • Granular Control: The command line offers a wider range of options for manipulating files and folders.

Important Note: Before venturing into the command line realm, especially on a production website, creating a full backup of your files and database is crucial. This safety net ensures you can revert to a working state if anything goes awry.


Getting Started: Essential Lingo

  • Command Line: A text-based interface where you type commands to interact with the server.
  • Directory: A virtual folder that organizes your files.
  • File Path: The complete address of a file, specifying its location within the directory structure.
  • Current Directory: The directory you're currently working in.


Step-by-Step Guide: Creating Files and Folders

1. Accessing the Command Line:

Most WebHostingM cPanel hosting plans offer command-line access through SSH (Secure Shell). Refer to your WebHostingM documentation for specific instructions on activating SSH access. Once activated, you can use an SSH client like PuTTY (Windows) or Terminal (Mac) to connect to your server.

2. Navigating to the Desired Location:

  • Use the pwd command to verify your current directory. This stands for "print working directory" and displays the absolute path of your current location.
  • (Optional): Want a fancier way to see your current directory? You can use commands like:
    • echo $PWD - This displays the current directory path using an environment variable.
    • pwd | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}' - This uses the awk command to extract the last element (the directory name) from the path.

3. Creating a New File:

Now that you know where you are, it's time to create a file! Here are your options:

Command Description Example

vi filename.txt

Opens the vi text editor to create a new file named "filename.txt". Creates an empty text file.

vim filename.html

Similar to above, but creates a new HTML file. Useful for creating basic web pages.

nano filename.php

Opens the nano text editor (considered more beginner-friendly) to create a new PHP file. Ideal for server-side scripting.


4. Creating Multiple Files:

Need to create a bunch of files at once? The touch command comes to the rescue:

  • touch filename1.txt filename2.txt filename3.txt - This single command creates three empty files simultaneously.

Advanced Tips:

  • While creating files with the command line is straightforward, editing them requires using a text editor like vi or nano within the command line.
  • For bulk file modifications or complex tasks, consider scripting languages like Bash.


WebHostingM Support

Remember: If you're a WebHostingM customer and ever feel overwhelmed by the command line, don't hesitate! Submit a ticket through your WebHostingM dashboard (https://mydashboard.webhostingm.com/submitticket.php) and our friendly engineers will be happy to assist you.

Not a WebHostingM customer yet, but intrigued by the power of cPanel? WebHostingM offers fantastic cPanel hosting plans – check them out at https://mydashboard.webhostingm.com/store/cpanel and unlock a world of website management possibilities!

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