Scheduling regular backups is like putting your website on autopilot for safety.

With WP Squared's Backup Scheduler, you can set up automatic reinforcements, ensuring your digital fortress is always protected, even while you're busy saving the day elsewhere.

Ready to automate your backup defenses?

  1. Access the Backup Settings: Click the gear icon on the "Backups" tab, summoning the Backup Settings interface. It's like entering your secret headquarters, where you control your website's security protocols.
  2. Activate the Backup Force Field: Toggle the "Backup" switch to "Enabled," powering up your automated backup system. Think of it as activating your website's force field!
  3. Choose Your Backup Patrol Days: Select the days of the week when you want your backups to run. Remember, at least one day is mandatory to keep your defenses active!
  4. Set Your Backup Retention Protocol: In the "Number of backups to keep" box, choose how many past backups you want to store. Think of it as deciding how many backup copies of your website to keep in your digital vault. (Minimum of 3 is required!)
  5. Seal the Deal: Click "Save Settings" to solidify your backup plan. Now your website will be automatically backed up on your chosen days, keeping it safe even when you're not around.


  • Regular backups are essential for a healthy website. Don't leave it to chance – automate your defenses!
  • Our documentation is your ultimate guide to backup scheduling, offering detailed instructions and expert tips. Think of it as your personal backup training manual.

With WP Squared's Backup Scheduler, you can rest assured knowing your website is always protected, even in the face of digital dangers.

So go forth, explore the web with confidence, and let your automated backups handle the rest!


What items are part of a WP Squared backup?

Components of a WP Squared Backup:

WP Squared leverages the WP Toolkit for its backup process. The backups, created as tar.gz files, are stored in /home/$myusername/wordpress-backups/.

A WP Squared backup includes the following essential items:

  • Core WordPress files and directories like wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes.
  • Key WordPress PHP files: index.php, wp-config.php, wp-cron.php, wp-load.php, wp-login.php, and others.
  • Important system files: license.txt, readme.html, wp-activate.php, wp-blog-header.php, wp-comments-post.php, etc.
  • Specialized files: wp-config-sample.php, wp-links-opml.php, wp-mail.php, wp-settings.php, wp-signup.php, wp-trackback.php, xmlrpc.php.
  • Backup-specific files: meta.json for metadata, sqldump.sql for the SQL database dump.

These components ensure a comprehensive backup of your WordPress site, safeguarding your data and facilitating easy restoration when needed.

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